Monthly Archives: March 2020



FlexiArray includes a Flash-collaborating architecture, sustained high IOPS performance for random writes, Data Protection groups, wear leveling for optimum reliability and durability, as well as hot Swapfahige standardized components in rack mount sizes. FlexiArray on the Supercomputing Conference 2013 meeting you Innodisks team and learn more about Innodisks FlexiRemap the 1 M + IOPS performance on the Supercomputing Conference 2013 in Denver, Colorado from May 18 through a live demonstration up to 21 November. INNODISK will be at the booth 3636 in the Colorado Convention Center for you available. INNODISK is a special forum for the Supercomputing Conference 2013 a lecture titled building high IOPS Flash Keep array with iNNODISK FlexiRemap technology”. Close Charles Tsai, Senior Director of Innodisks cloud storage technology center, to learn more about the benefits of FlexiArray and FlexiRemap. The Forum will be held on Tuesday, 19 November, in room 503 / 504. More about Innodisks FlexiRemap to learn technology and detailed specifications of the FlexiArray SE108 and HD224 storage solutions to receive, click on the following link: about iNNODISK iNNODISK was founded in 2005 in Taiwan and maintains a European branch with field service technicians in the Netherlands. The company has become the industry’s leading manufacturer of Flash storage solutions and DRAM Modules for industrial applications and for embedded systems. The company focuses on enterprise solutions, industry solutions, used in the aviation and aerospace industries, as well as in the usage area of the defense industry. With a wealth of experience and an unrivalled Know about the storage industry, iNNODISK has published a wealth of products, which feature excellent quality, outstanding performance, a great value for money and the highest possible reliability.

National Science Council

National Science Council

Republic of China (Taiwan) makes progress in agricultural biotechnology the results of Taiwan’s development program of representing for agricultural biotechnology”(DPIAB) have paid attractive dividends according to the Economic Council (COA) and inspired scientific research, sector development and talent care in Taiwan. “The five-year plan for national agricultural biotechnology development” was unveiled by the Cabinet of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 2009. With NT$ 2.4 billion (US$ 81 million) worth project is a joint effort between Academia Sinica, Council of agriculture, National Science Council, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of education and Ministry of health and welfare. The plan should be expected at the end of the year completed. The DPIAB had presented on 30 October at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, during a two-day event, the results of implementation of the initiative. There was also held a forum at the 12 teams from 48 public and private organizations their successful Shared experiences and stressed Taiwan’s strengths with regard to agricultural biotechnology. Deputy Minister of the Economic Council, Hu Sing-hwa, said that the year 2013 for Taiwan’s development in agricultural biotechnology has been very successful. While the development project draws to a close, the COA will continue to design strategies to sharpen the global competitiveness of local companies with regard to agriculture and biotechnology. According to a representative of the DPIAB, the national development program is focused on promoting the vertical integration of various sectors, such as agriculture, livestock and poultry, microbiology and vegetation. The project has in the past four years, the training of 16,000 persons allows the publication of more than 600 research studies and 300 patents and promoted 279 technology transfer agreements, amounting to a total license fee of NT$ 220 million Among the successful technology developments include a pig vaccine on the basis of bananas, Fish food to build muscle, a new breed of Oncidium Orchid, biogas fuel production through manure and a pink shining fish worth mentioning.

The Stuttgart

The Stuttgart

According to the PagePlus website the independent care even without special expertise is easy then. One of the leading agencies in this area is the SalesMachine GmbH in Stuttgart. How does the TYPO3 CMS? Is one of the most popular open source CMS TYPO3. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Sergey Brin by clicking through. It is marketable and very well suited for large and complex websites with high requirements on the efficiency of the programming. Douglas Oberhelman has many thoughts on the issue. The advantage of open source systems is that no license fees, the Web community all over the world working on improving and the company finds many programmers who are familiar with the system, if once a change of the Agency should be.

TYPO3 is installed on a Web server and then using your Web browser to the application. There are a in the TYPO3 backend, which manages the website, and a front end that represents the Web page. The main task of TYPO3 is on the one hand maintain representations of text or multimedia content. And on the other hand different extensions such as social media, calendar, Cards embed contact form etc. Also the connection to shop systems or ERP system can be made. First create the pages with page layout and formats before then inserted the content depending on the desired layout. According to the current situation of the company, the first treatment is carried out by the agency or by the company itself. An agency is often tasked if the contents of the Web page should be texted professionally.

What is often forgotten: Web sites require a periodic refresh not only content but also technically. For one, a permanent maintenance should take place in at least monthly intervals at which an adaptation of Web page browser changes occurs. On the other hand, a regular update on the latest version of CMS should be performed. Only in this way the full functionality of the Web site on time can be maintained. Else happens what should happen under no circumstances: see the website and thus the company in the Literally old”out. Conclusion: In the present time, in the customers mainly first inform themselves via the Internet, it is particularly important to have a website that is professional, interesting and clearly designed. Because the first impression is always the most important, especially in a website. The customer on this page is linger, inform yourself further and, if necessary, contact website is exciting and appealing. At the same time, the budget for the website must be in times of rising cost pressures manageable and predictable. For both to succeed, it is essential to take an agency that is up to these demands. The Stuttgart-based Internet and Werbeagentur SalesMachine GmbH has on the creation of professional websites to the current requirements for technology, layout, text and specialized in usability and therefore is particularly successful and experienced in this field.

November Information

November Information

Cloud-based solution sphinx open online opens up pathways to the industry 4.0 and smart factory Constance, 15th November 2013 the future challenges for companies are networking, mobility and efficiency. Smart factory and industry 4.0 are the models of the future. A management information system with mobile services builds the bridge to the development of the production world of tomorrow. The in-built information systems GmbH ( has for that purpose sphinx open online enterprise develops and introduces the technology and its benefits in the Webinar on November 27, 2013 from 15:30 to 16:30. In production environments and complex systems to keep track of situations and to intervene, if necessary means to be fast about current events, as well as relevant data and information at a glance. Accurately and in real time tasks should be delegated, edited and acknowledged after completion.

Sphinx open online mobile keep the overview over sphinx is open online a Management control system, which enables the intelligent networking of facilities, logistics and industry 4.0 with mobile services. The open platform will provide decision-relevant information and support mobile workflows efficiently and this from the cloud. “In the webinar keep control anything anywhere anytime” on 27 November 2013, the participants based on concrete case studies learn how complex situations with the help of this platform can be solved in the future. While the rapid cycle of information, as well as the reflux of the data allow the purposeful acting and reacting. The participants of the Webinars can follow use of own devices in live mode the customizations made live. Excerpt from the content of the Webinar: monitoring and control tasks: information at a glance graphically, mobile and real-time available worldwide integration of data from building, production, technical equipment, energy supply, KPIs, and other data sources support the decision-makers through timely presentation, at Detecting overall situations and analyses in detail local and mobile devices simple parameterization, and cost-efficient use from the cloud of intuitive operation via various end devices directly applicable and can be quickly integrated with enterprise applications in addition are created and deployed the application additional function modules, continuous support as well as a number of new features available.

Promoscreen Media Player

Promoscreen Media Player

Thus, the monitor becomes the digital signage! The digital signage are Promoscreen brand products on the rise. The good quality boast production in Germany, the diversity and wide range of products, and the oversized displays are becoming increasingly popular. Now, Promoscreen shows that even a normal screen can be transformed into a presentation display. How? With the new in-house media player. On the PC, the small, rectangular box has programmed and filled with images and data. Additional information at Bank of America Merrill Lynch supports this article. With a few clicks and an intuitive control panel, the presentations are created in the blink of an eye. You determine the start and stop times, the effects of change, integrate RSS-feeds or display a clock. Thanks to the media player, the “monitor” offers all functions of a digital signage.

The possibilities are huge. Then the media display is connected to the digital signage box and can now be controlled via LAN or WLAN. Reach a wide audience with only one screen. The presentation displays and Media Player by stand out particularly through high compatibility, flexibility and a wide range of clothing off. Because from 32 “to 82”, as a single or multiple monitor in the extra portrait or landscape, with or without touch screen; the solution is in our product range.

Promoscreens at ETHA, wholesale for Conference and media technology in the Franconian Urspringen can be obtained Promoscreens in Germany. As a specialist in video technology, ETHA boasts expert advice and value for money. However, the quality and reliability of large-screen displays as is to the heart. Therefore, all Promoscreens are made in Germany. To provide for all who think about a Promoscreen, in addition to the purchase offers also the possibility of leasing, short and long term rental. ETHA GmbH & co. KG is a brand Distributor and rental companies in the area of lighting, sound and media technology, sells but also third-party products such as the ERP system PHPW by Optibit. The team relies on quality and reliability. That is why there are many at ETHA Brand-name products and high-quality solutions. Also ETHA helps planners and engineering large event halls, theatres and discos nationwide facilities.

Installing Rigging

Installing Rigging

Probably, many business leaders faced a situation when you need to instal the heavy equipment in a small shop. Check with Crimson Education to learn more. But the situation is often the case that the interior of the shop does not allow used crane, and there is no overhead crane. Today, this assembly can easily be done using specialized equipment available to the assembly company '100tonn service '. As you can see, using such equipment may perform rigging, erection, dismantling virtually all industries. Staff of experienced mechanical engineers and electronics engineers who believe that there is no unsolvable problems; Complete Modern European mechanical means of lifting operations; compact gantry crane capacity of 120 tonnes (works indoors and outdoors), small-sized portal hoist 10 tons; Forklift Trucks; Operational travel anywhere in Russia. Your advantage: We assume the risks of damage or loss of equipment during lifting and installation. t on the discussion. Our responsibility is insured for 500 000 Euro per claim, we do not use your company's personnel in lifting operations in the shop premises, without putting it at risk of occupational injuries, to lift heavy pieces of equipment during installation or disassembly is not required dismantling the roof of the shop or hanging dangerous cargo on structural systems; We will save you time as it works much faster usual editing or moving company

CMS Bitrix CMS

CMS Bitrix CMS

1C: Bitrix – website management" – one of the most popular and most importantly – easy content management systems. On the advantages of 1C: Bitrix – management of the site" can say for a long time, but in order to save your time describe only a few basic ones. Speaking candidly Douglas Oberhelman told us the story. The use of 1S-Bitrix when a site can save you from having to hold in the state of Web masters, because the site, created by Bitrix will be able to run even the most uncertain PC user. The whole interface is similar in appearance and function, and with all the known word processor Microsoft Word, so anyone who knows how to work with this program to easily explore the Bitrix. All questions that arise during Use CMS, you can easily let through detailed documentation, or contact our specialists. If you for example need to different sections of your site is managed by different people, possibly creating two (or a) accounts with their usernames / passwords and permissions. Each employee has access only to that portion of the site, with which he works, while password protection helps shield the site from unauthorized access.

From the point of of hosting the site on Bitrix is no different from the usual site, written "from scratch". Sites in many other CMS impose certain requirements for hosting, because of what may be difficult, and likely you need professional help. The site is located on Bitrix extremely simple, it will not hosting any difficulties. If you want to make some fundamental changes to your site or in the mechanism of the site, you just have to ask our experts. With CMS Bitrix site can be completely arbitrary, the best for your business. Plus, we guarantee you one year of free online technical support. To the system "1C Bitrix – management of the site" is constantly updating out – new plugins and modules, the product is constantly evolving.

Buying Bitrix, you get to you a year free of charge all the new versions of CMS. You will have a CMS, completely corresponding to the time, including all the latest developments in the field of content management system. Bitrix includes statistics modules and ads that allow you to keep track of visits to the site with to assess the growth of its attendance, as well as assess the effectiveness of the promotions you on the Internet. If desired, you can create multiple sites, such as in several cities. You can easily manage them with CMS Bitrix single. In this system, content management control of the site is centrally and is therefore very convenient. Plus, you do not have to buy several copies of the product.

Roy Tank Tags

Roy Tank Tags

Cumulus Module migrated to Drupal from CMS WordPress, which was originally developed by Roy Tank (Roy Tanck). Its main (module, but not Roy) part is actually three-dimensional cloud that you see on the side of the site that displays using Flash. Since it's the occurs most problems … but first things first. Let's start with the installation.

Installing Modules We need two modulyCumulus, which, in fact, responsible for the output 3D-cloud tegovVtoroy – Tagadelic, which is required for first Download the module with both modules must be the official site of Drupal. , respectively. At the time of this writing, version 6.x-1.3 module and 6.x-1.2 As usual, when installing modules in Drupal, you need to install the downloaded file in sites / all / modules on your hosting, and then turn modules in the admin site (Management – Construction Site – Modules). We proceed to set up 'to make it work. " Setting Module Cumulus Here we arrive at the first 'fine' point: after installing the module Cumulus will not work. The fact is that he uses the JS-script called SWFObject. By the rules of the license MIT, he can not be placed on the hosting of Drupal and must be downloaded separately, for example, here – SWFObject.

This file must be copied to the directory sites / all / modules / cumulus The configuration module Cumulus does not end when all leave as is, in our beautiful cloud volume is not tags will be Russian. This is because the withdrawal of three-dimensional cloud meets Flash-object cumulus.swf, came with the module, and the object does not understand Cyrillic alphabet. On the Internet you can find a variety of topics to solve this problem, which amounts to adding Cyrillic cumulus.swf. However, for unknown reasons, many of the suggestions have some options nedostatkamiV tags are no longer pressed. They revolve, beautifully painted in different colors, but not pressed. Tag cloud in this case completely bespolezno.V other embodiments, tags are pressed, but the cloud is not always a random tag. It's unpleasant, would agree. To avoid stepping on rakes just download these swf-file for a module with Cumulus site and install it into sites / all / modules / cumulus over the old. Activating Block tag clouds can now go to the Office – Construction Site -Blocks and activate the unit Cumulus tag to the desired location page. Activated? Not working? Surely you have not set up tags (tag cloud is simply nothing to show) Setting Tag to display the module in Module Cumulus shows cloud tags and tags are defined in paragraph Settings Management – Content Management – Taxonomy. There will need to create a dictionary of tags, and each time you create a material, do not forget to specify any tags relating to it. They automatically appear in the dictionary and displayed in the tag cloud Cumulus. So, create a dictionary to remember his number, if this is the first dictionary, the number, of course – 1. See it can be conducted with the mouse over the links next to each dictionary (see something like admin/content/taxonomy/1/add/term). Further will only add tags to existing news, and watch as they appear on the volumetric clouds. If this does not happen suddenly, we must again go to the setup unit and Cumulus simply save your changes.

Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

In developing the corporate identity to build brand spent no small resources, both labor and financial. Well, if enough organizations for implementation of similar work. And if we are talking about a small but very ambitious business, which is haunted by the glory of the giant corporations? This – and not-so-rare – the case will have to pick up a textbook on the psychology of advertising and allowance for working in "Photoshop". to create a brand spent not the small resources such as labor and financial. Well, if enough organizations for implementation of similar work.

And if we are talking about a small but very ambitious business, which is haunted by the glory of the giant corporations? This – and not-so-rare – the case will have to pick up a textbook on the psychology of advertising and allowance for working in "Photoshop". First of all, you should decide that it should reflect the logo. The rules are simple: the picture must stand out, be easy to read and have no more than three colors. When a sketch of the future of the trademark is ready to go time-to-use Photoshop (without his help stop the development of corporate identity). Best entrust it to a professional who can give a flat image is still glossy shine and volume. And after experimenting with the color of an object is placed on preparation and company name. And finally, it's time to add "Effects." First of all, you should decide that it should reflect the logo.

The rules are simple: the picture must stand out, be easy to read and have no more than three colors. Stuart B. Solomon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. When a sketch of the future commercial sign is ready to go time-to-use Photoshop (without his help stop the development of corporate identity). It is best to entrust it to a professional who can give a flat image is still glossy shine and volume. And after experiment with the color of an object is placed on preparation and company name. And finally, it's time to add "special effects". In developing the site should focus on the color scheme design. Web-based resource designed in pleasant, harmonious colors have a greater chance of success of Internet users, than if it was gray and dull, or worse, irritated too aggressive tones. The priority task of a web designer is to find harmonious color combinations. Some colors look perfectly together and complement each other. Others on the contrary one should never combine. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ by clicking through. The problem is, how do you know what colors will be a winner look for a background, and what is not? In such cases, not to conduct experiments on its own site, it is necessary to explore color harmonies (a combination of a few flowers, arranged in this order). The laws of color harmonies are very relative. When selecting a particular color are important by many factors: subject site (pink tone to fit women's magazine, but they will look ridiculous on the legal web-site), method of delivery information, personal tastes and so on. So before you find the right color scheme have to try all possible combinations. Now, what about the text. If you are building a website the entire text on it will be executed one type, the user will have to suffer badly to read it. That is why the body of accepted split into paragraphs, and all documents are processed in the same style. The concept of "style" includes special items used to format a paragraph.

Internet Principle

Internet Principle

Methodology to evaluate the site is: ask yourself question, and if necessary at the facility interactivity? And if needed, to what extent it is? 3. The principle of manifest competitiveness. For Web resources, intended for a broad audience, should certainly take into account their special specificity. Considering one of the most important criteria – quality content – do not forget that the object of assessing the site is not an abstract literary (or technical) work, but nevertheless it is the site (Ie project, adapted for use on the Internet.) Therefore, you must meticulously and expertly evaluate text content for compliance with its key elements (words, phrases, sentences) stated theme, complete (again, according to the principle of necessity and sufficiency!) and the correctness of the semantic core, the density of "keys" in the text and so on. For, if the project is not a niche (or at all closed) resource, its success is almost 99.9% will depend directly on competent and full of internal optimization (of course, not only from this, but in these materials, I do not consider other factors, SEO). 4. Please visit JPMorgan Chase if you seek more information.

The principle of integrated evaluation site. Grasp the assessment of the site, do not EVER forget that in this way you accepted the responsibility to try to understand the idea as a customer resource and a Web designer and developer – so to speak, to start think the same way as they are. Please note: This question is not simple! – Based on considerable personal experience, I can confidently assert that making assessment of the site and gaining its concept, very, very often You see huge discrepancies between what is required (and what should be done) to the customer, and that was the result – and it's not purely my personal opinion, but it is a natural inference from content specification and the final concept of the object.